Translated works

Andrew Abbott

I have been translating AA’s works in since 2018. As of 2022, I have finished these three books:

Both CoD and TM are delayed due to issues with the publisher. The current estimated publication timeline is late 2024 to early 2025.

Apart from the books, I also translated several journal articles by AA. Please visit the source page for details.

Pragmatism in social sciences

Because I am drawn to pragmatism—not just due to my work in education and my reading of Dewey—I also started a translation project to introduce the recent revival of interest in pragmatist theory in social science research. Currently, I have these texts in different stages of translation.

  1. Hans Joas, The Creativity of Action (1996), Chapter 2 as 《情境-身体性-社会性,创造性行动的基础》
  2. Josh Whitford, Pragmatism and the Untenable Dualism of Means and Ends (2002) as 《实用主义与站不住脚的手段-目的二元论》
  3. David Stark, The Sense of Dissonance (2009)
  4. Gary Herrigel, Manufacturing Possibilities (2010), Chapter 1
  5. Phaedra Daipha, Masters of Uncertainty (2015), Chapter 1 as 《在不确定性下做决策》
  6. Stephen Bargheer, Moral Entanglements (2018)
  7. Neil Gross, Pragmatism and the study of large-scale social phenomena (2018) as 《实用主义与大规模社会现象的研究》
  8. Monica Prasad, Problem-Solving Sociology (2021), Chapter 9 as 《解决问题的社会学》

G. H. Mead

Unlike Dewey, the majority of Mead’s work has not been translated into Chinese. Here is my effort. Most are articles where Mead discussed education, but there are other writings as well. At this moment, I have no plans to publish them.

  1. The Relation of Play to Education (1896) as 《玩耍与教育的关系》
  2. Passage, Process, and Permanence (1938) as 《流逝、过程和恒久》

Other works

For classroom use, I have translated the following pieces for my students. Since most of them are not published, the Chinese versions are not available here. If you are interested in using them for teaching or publishing them in Chinese, please send me an email.

  1. John Levi Matin1:

    • Thinking Through Theory, Chapter 2
    • Thinking Through Statistics, Chapter 1
  2. Teaching Embodied by Akiko Hayashi and Joseph Tobin (2015), Chapter 1 with TONG Liqin as 《身教》

  3. The American Precariat: U.S. Capitalism in Comparative Perspective by Kathleen Thelen (2019) with MO Kun as 《美国的不稳定无产者:比较视野下的美式资本主义》

  4. Problems in Physics With Many Scales of Length by Kenneth Wilson (1979) as 《物理学中的多尺度问题》

  5. Teaching Practice: Plus Que Ça Change … by David K. Cohen (1988) with TONG Liqin as 《教学实践:改变越多……》2

  6. Scripting the Moves: Culture & Control in a “No-Excuses” Charter School by Joanne W. Golann (2021), Chapter 1 with PAN Zhihao as 《文化如何在教育中起作用?》

  7. Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by C.J. Pascoe (2007) with LI Xiaolu

  8. Science Fiction and Empire by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay (2003) as 《科幻与帝国》

  1. Martin’s TT books has bee picked up by Chongqing University Press for Chinese translation, titled 「领悟」(方法、统计、理论)series. The first and second installment are out as of 2024.08. The series is being translated by a single translator and he has done a wonderful job (I have read the proofs of his work). I did my versions just because I want to discuss these with my students ahead of the publication. ^
  2. This piece by Cohen is one of my favorites from graduate school. Thanks to Magdalene Lampert’s generosity, we can now publish it, for the first time, in Chinese in the China Rural Education Review.《中国农村教育评论》第六辑 ^